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Showing posts from May, 2020


Zambia is a land locked country, which means it is surrounded by it's neighboring countries like Tazania, Zimbabwe, Bostwana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Namibia and main others. But there's something about Zambia that set it apart from its neighbors. It has been voted as the safest country to visit in African. you do not have to worry about the coups or the counter coups that are found in other countries. Zambia boasts for its some of the most beautiful Natural landscapes in the world. So if you are visiting Zambia for the first time, then here are some of beautiful places  to see: 1, The Lower Zambezi National park ,  If you are looking for a better and stretched  safari, then you have to visit the lower Zambezi national park. 2, The South Luangwa National Park , The luangwa south national park is filled with exotic fauna such as Elephant, Lion, Giraffes, and so many animals, it also boasts of beautiful landscape such as the Miombo woudlands

Convid 19 prevention tips

TEN TIPS ON HOW TO STAY SAFE DURING THIS CONVID 19 OUT BREAK We all know that the world has been affected with this convid 19 out break , as far as we all know there's no cure yet, the doctors they are trying their best to keep every one safe and secure. So as we are quarantined here are ten measures to take in order to try to stay safe from this pandemic; 1, stay home as much as you can 🏑 2, keep a distance as much as you can from anybody. 🚢 3, wash your hands regularly. πŸ™Œ 4, cover you mouth with a flexible mask when you have flu and cough. 😷 5, if you are sick seek medical attention as soon as possible. πŸš‘ 6, avoid public gathering like in the malls and churches, etc. πŸ‘ͺ 7, avoid shaking hands. ✋ 8, don't touch your mouth and your eyes🀧 9, follow the directions given by your local public authority. πŸš” 10, least but not the last, do the exercise regularly to keep the body fit and warm. πŸ’ͺ Stay SAFE every body,  remember together we can!