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Showing posts from October, 2020


BY JOSI BEATS !!! Taking a quick analysis on how these two great artists (RIP) who died in the same tragic accident were mourned it can be concluded that #music producers who do most of the hard work are never recognized in the Zambia music industry. Behind these sweet sounds and melodies that keep you at the edge of your seats, there is a great producer.  The question is, what is the worth of producers in our industry? A song has two major components that makes it a hit. The #instrumentation and the #vocals. This industry puts little or no attention to music producers who do most of the hard work.    Even in a band, people will be busy screaming wows to a singer. Throwing cash on the singer's feet but forgetting that there is a team of unsang heroes behind the instrumentation that makes the song touch hearts. ZAMCOP offers protection of intellectual property rights time and again give #Royalties (money) to a singer and only requires a letter of recommendation from a producer to co