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Showing posts from September, 2020


 I LOVE YOUR MUSIC MEANS, I'M READY TO SPEND ON YOUR MUSIC. 💔 By - Jonathan Ngoma Everytime you tell Tbwoy, Wezi, Shyman, Pompi, T-Sean, Chef187, Slap Dee or any other artist that you love their music.. they feel happy.. to them they see an album sold, they see a ticket for an upcoming show sold.. in a week they will meet hundreds of people saying the same...but our words don't match the economic value we as the citizenry add to our artists.  The only time they see us come in numbers are during moments like this. Alubusu, Joe Chibangu, P-Jay, Jordan Impi, Lily T have had this path. Sometimes Jae Cash will post an advert about his upcoming event.. you will not understand the joy it brings just to see you share the post on your wall.. the joy it brings to then just to see your face at their show mu audience. That's how they make a living so your support is never taken for granted. If we said lets fill up the stadium for DAEV even when we love him this much we can't fill


  The loss of Daev aka David Phiri is a big blow to Zambian Music. We mourn our friend, brother and colleague in total anguish, agony and shock! We extend our prayers and sympathies to the families producer K man and others who perished in the tragedy. At the same time, we remain humbled with the support from many other stakeholders including Government during this trying moment. May God's grace continue abounding over your daily lives. On behalf of the late Daev's family and on behalf of XYZ, we wish to inform the general public that burial for the budding star has been set for Wednesday morning with the Church service at the Cathedral of the Holycross. Mourners will then proceed to Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka. For health adherence & crowd control , we advise all mourners to gather at ‘Abu dabi’, an alternate venue 2 minutes away from the funeral house. From there they will be advised when to proceed to funeral house to pay their respect. We wish to reaffirm our