Corona virus have been increasingly surprising the world,since 2019 when it was discovered by the doctors in China (Wuhan city) and it is increasingly killing people everyday world wide.
We have over 50 million cases of Corona virus world wide, just recently we have seen UK announcing one month tights lockdown over the fast spreading speed of Corona virus second wave. And it looks like Europe is has been affected more with the second wave of the virus it is fast spreading and people are getting more effected.
*Spain* also has declared state of emergency and extend the lockdown to march 2021 do to fast spreading speed of the virus (covid-19).*
* FRANCE * also have announced one week lockdown due to second wave of the virus (covid-19), people are continuously dying every day and many countries are worried about the second wave because it looks like it is more deadlier.
Soon main countries will be in lockdown again, already we have seen;
*UK* one month of lockdown,
*Spain* extendably increasing their lockdown to march 2021,
*France* put it on one week lockdown
* GERMANY * for 4 weeks
* ITALY * also to follow shortly ...
* ALL * these countries have confirmed that the * SECOND WAVE * is deadlier than the first ...
So we have to be extremely careful and * KEEP ALL PRECAUTIONS *.
Please also become a communicator of the * ALERT * among all friends and family ...
* We cannot take the 2nd LOCKING PHASE AS IF NOTHING *
* Yes, history tells us that the 2nd wave is more dangerous than the 1st, as was the case from 1917 to 1919 with the Spanish flu. Millions of people died. *
* Protect yourself and your family. *
*Stay safe,*
* COVID-19
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